Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Gerrardstown
Target Entity: Gerrardstown\u002c_West_Virginia
Preceding Context: The other story is that Inwood's name was changed when Jonathan Newton Thatcher, of Gerrard, wanted to open a post office in the town. Washington D.C. post authorities told Thatcher that he would have to rename the town of Gerrard, since it would conflict with mail going to
Succeeding Context: , a town 4 miles west. When Thatcher’s cousin from Inwood, California, showed him a letter with his home address on it, he decided to use the name “Inwood” for the town. He wrote to Washington D.C. to get the town’s name changed from Gerrard to Inwood and to get a post office established there. Jonathan Thatcher was the first postmaster for the new Inwood, West Virginia.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Inwood, West Virginia

Ground Truth Types:

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