Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Lutheran
Target Entity: Lutheranism
Preceding Context:
Succeeding Context: s believe that the body and blood of Christ are "truly and substantially present in, with, and under the forms" of the consecrated bread and wine (the elements), so that communicants eat and drink the body and blood of Christ himself as well as the bread and wine in this sacrament. The Lutheran doctrine of the Real Presence is more accurately and formally known as the "sacramental union". It has been inaccurately called "consubstantiation". This term is specifically rejected by Lutheran churches and theologians since it creates confusion about the actual doctrine and subjects the doctrine to the control of a non-biblical philosophical concept in the same manner as, in their view, does the term "transubstantiation". J.T. Mueller, Christian Dogmatics: A Handbook of Doctrinal Theology , (St. Louis: CPH, 1934), 519; cf. also Erwin L. Lueker, Christian Cyclopedia , (St. Louis: CPH, 1975), under the entry "consubstantiation".
Paragraph Title: Lutheran
Source Page: Eucharist

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