Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Simpsons
Target Entity: Simpson_family
Preceding Context: After attending the Springfield Elementary School Christmas pageant, the
Succeeding Context: prepare for the holiday season. Marge asks Bart and Lisa for their letters to Santa. Lisa requests a pony, and Bart requests a tattoo. The next day, Marge takes the kids to the mall to go Christmas shopping at a department store in the mall. Bart slips away to the tattoo parlor and attempts to get a tattoo that reads "Mother". With the tattoo partially completed, Marge bursts in and drags Bart two doors down to the dermatologist to have it removed. Counting on Homer's Christmas bonus, Marge spends all of the family's holiday money on the procedure. Meanwhile, at the power plant Homer's boss Mr. Burns, announces that there will be no Christmas bonus this year.
Paragraph Title: Plot
Source Page: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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