Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Belsize Park Gardens
Target Entity: Belsize_Park
Preceding Context: In 1916 Lytton Strachey was back in London living with his mother at 6
Succeeding Context: , Hampstead, where she had now moved. In the late autumn of 1917, however, his brother Oliver and his friends Harry Norton, John Maynard Keynes, and Saxon Sydney-Turner agreed to pay the rent on "The Mill House" at Tidmarsh, near Pangbourne, Berkshire. After the success of Eminent Victorians, published on 9 May 1918, he needed no help from outside. He continued to live at Tidmarsh until the proceeds from Queen Victoria (1921) made it possible for him to buy Ham Spray House near Marlborough, Wiltshire, to which he moved in July 1924, and which was his home for the rest of his life.
Paragraph Title: Eminent Victorians and later career
Source Page: Lytton Strachey

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