Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Puffin
Target Entity: Atlantic_Puffin
Preceding Context: The island plays host to more than 150,000 Gannets and is the largest single rock gannetry in the world, described famously by Sir David Attenborough as "one of the wildlife wonders of the world". When viewed from the mainland, large regions of the surface appear white due to the sheer number of birds (and their droppings, which give off 152,000 kg of ammonia per year, equivalent to the achievements of 10 million broilers). In fact the scientific name for the Northern Gannet, Sula bassana or Morus bassanus, derives its name from the rock. They were traditionally known in Scots as 'Solan Goose'. In common with other gannetries, such as St Kilda, the birds were harvested for their eggs and the flesh of their young chicks, which were considered delicacies. It is estimated that in 1850 almost 2,000 birds were harvested from the rock. Other bird species that frequent the rock include Guillemot, Razorbill, Cormorant,
Succeeding Context: , Eider Duck and numerous gulls.
Paragraph Title: Wildlife
Source Page: Bass Rock

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