Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Catterick
Target Entity: Catterick\u002c_North_Yorkshire
Preceding Context: Bede tells of Æthelfrith's great successes over the Britons, while also noting his paganism (the conversion of Northumbria did not begin until a decade after his death): he "ravaged the Britons more than all the great men of the English, insomuch that he might be compared to Saul, once king of the Israelites, excepting only this, that he was ignorant of the true religion. For he conquered more territories from the Britons, either making them tributary, or driving the inhabitants clean out, and planting English in their places, than any other king or tribune." It may have been Æthelfrith who destroyed the British army at the Battle of Catraeth (
Succeeding Context: , c. 600); the battle is described in the early poem . The Britons called him Flesaur, or "the twister". It was under Æthelfrith that Bernicia's boundaries pushed significantly inland from the coast, and penetrated further into British territory.
Paragraph Title: Conquests
Source Page: Æthelfrith of Northumbria

Ground Truth Types:

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