Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Royal Household
Target Entity: Royal_Household
Preceding Context: Sarah was completely oblivious to any friendship between Anne and Abigail, and was therefore surprised when she discovered that Abigail frequently saw the Queen in private. Sarah found out about Abigail's marriage several months after it had occurred, and immediately went to see Anne – with the intention of informing her of the event. It was at this interview that Anne let slip that she had begged Abigail to tell Sarah of the marriage; Sarah became suspicious about what had really happened. After questioning servants and
Succeeding Context: for a week about Abigail's marriage, Sarah discovered that Anne had been present and had given Abigail a dowry of £2000 from the Privy Purse. This proved Anne's duplicity to Sarah: as Keeper of the Privy Purse, Sarah had been unaware of any such payment.
Paragraph Title: Abigail Masham: political rival
Source Page: Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough

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