Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Angles
Target Entity: Angles
Preceding Context: England in the early 7th century was ruled almost entirely by the Anglo-Saxon peoples who had come to Britain from northwestern Europe, starting in the early 5th century. The monk Bede, who wrote in the 8th century, considered the Mercians to be descended from the
Succeeding Context: , one of the invading groups; the Saxons and Jutes settled in the south of Britain, while the Angles settled in the north. Little is known about the origins of the kingdom of Mercia, in what is now the English midlands, but according to genealogies preserved in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Anglian collection the early kings were descended from Icel; the dynasty is therefore known as the Iclingas. The earliest Mercian king about whom definite historical information has survived is Penda of Mercia, Wulfhere's father.
Paragraph Title: Mercia in the seventh century
Source Page: Wulfhere of Mercia

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