Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Tinian
Target Entity: Tinian
Preceding Context: A textbook example of reconnaissance-pull was documented during the
Succeeding Context: landings during World War II. The United States Marine Corps's Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion, from V Amphibious Corps, used an example of reconnaissance-pull. Aerial photography, and the confirmation by the amphibious reconnaissance platoons determined that the Japanese defenders had largely ignored the northern beaches of the island, rather they had focused most of their defensive effort on beaches in the south-west which were more favorable for an amphibious landing. American forces quickly changed their landing location to the northern beaches and planned a small and hasty "deception" operation off the southern beach, it resulted in a complete surprise for the Japanese forces. As a result, American forces were able to fight the Japanese force on land where they had the advantage leading to little losses and a short battle that lasted only 9 days.
Paragraph Title: Reconnaissance-pull
Source Page: Reconnaissance

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