Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Alvin Toffler's
Target Entity: Alvin_Toffler
Preceding Context:
Succeeding Context: argues that the three main kinds of power are violence, wealth, and knowledge with other kinds of power being variations of these three (typically knowledge). Each successive kind of power represents a more flexible kind of power. Violence can only be used negatively, to punish. Wealth can be used both negatively (by withholding money) and positively (by advancing/spending money). Knowledge can be used in these ways but, additionally, can be used in a transformative way. Such examples are, sharing knowledge on agriculture to ensure that everyone is capable of supplying himself and his family of food; Allied nations with a shared identity forming with the spread of religious or political philosophies, or one can use knowledge as a tactical/strategic superiority in Intelligence (information gathering).
Paragraph Title: Toffler
Source Page: Power (philosophy)

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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