Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Hy Gardner
Target Entity: Hy_Gardner
Preceding Context: He then co-starred in John Huston's The Misfits (1961), which was both Marilyn Monroe's and Clark Gable's last film. Monroe, who was also having emotional problems at the time, famously described Clift in a 1961 interview as: "The only person I know who is in even worse shape than I am." By the time Clift was making John Huston's (1962) his self-destructive lifestyle was affecting his health. Universal sued him for his frequent absences that caused the film to go over budget. The case was later settled out of court; the film's success at the box office brought numerous awards for screenwriting and directing, but none for Clift himself. Some time after the initial release of the film Clift appeared on The
Succeeding Context: Show, where he spoke at length about the accident and its effects, his film career, and treatment by the press. During the interview, Gardner mentions that it is the "first and last appearance on a television interview program for Montgomery Clift".
Paragraph Title: Post-accident career
Source Page: Montgomery Clift

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