Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: North Vietnam
Target Entity: North_Vietnam
Preceding Context: He was elected to the Swiss Federal Council on 10 December 1969. During his time in office, he headed the Political Department, i.e. ministry of foreign affairs. Graber was President of the Confederation in 1975 and handed over office on 31 January 1978. During his term of office, a new law for Cooperation Development was adopted. On 1 August 1975, he signed the Helsinki Final Act of the CSCE on behalf of Switzerland. He obtained the ratification by Parliament of the European Convention on Human Rights in 1974. As president of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, he laid the first stone of the Palace of Europe in Strasbourg on 15 May 1972. At his initiative, Switzerland recognized
Succeeding Context: and North Korea. Graber presided over the diplomatic conference that led to the adoption of the additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions in 1977. He faced the first terrorist attack on a Swissair plane in Zarqa, Jordan in 1970. After retiring, he gave his opinion on major occasions including Switzerland's unsuccessful attempt to join the United Nations in 1986.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Pierre Graber

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