Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: EU
Target Entity: European_Union
Preceding Context: After the referendum, Lukashenko convened a new parliamentary assembly from those members of the parliament who were loyal to him. After 12 deputies withdrew their signature from the impeachment petition, only about 40 deputies of the old parliament were left, but they had no place to convene, since the administration closed the parliament building "for remodeling". Nevertheless, for some time, the
Succeeding Context: and Council of Europe considered these remnants of the old parliament as the legitimate assembly. At the start of 1998, the Central Bank of Russia suspended trading in the Belarusian ruble, which led to a collapse in the value of the currency. Lukashenko responded by taking control of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, sacking the entire bank leadership and blaming the West for the free fall of the currency.
Paragraph Title: First term (1994–2001)
Source Page: Alexander Lukashenko

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