Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Isthmus of Corinth
Target Entity: Isthmus_of_Corinth
Preceding Context: Plethon drew up plans in his NĂ³moi to radically change the structure and philosophy of the Byzantine Empire in line with his interpretation of Platonism. The new state religion was to be founded on a hierarchical pantheon of Pagan Gods, based largely upon the ideas of Humanism prevalent at the time, incorporating themes such as rationalism and logic. As an ad-hoc measure he also supported the reconciliation of the two churches in order to secure Western Europe support against the Ottomans. He also proposed more practical, immediate measures, such as rebuilding the Hexamilion, the ancient defensive wall across the
Succeeding Context: , which had been breached by the Ottomans in 1423.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Gemistus Pletho

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