Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Kansai Independent Baseball League
Target Entity: Kansai_Independent_Baseball_League
Preceding Context: , when Tim Wakefield announced his retirement from Major League Baseball, R. A. Dickey of the New York Mets is the only knuckleballer in the big leagues, though minor leaguers Charlie Zink of the Lancaster Barnstormers and Charlie Haeger of the Albuquerque Isotopes also throw the knuckleball. In November 2008 it was announced that 16 year old knuckleballer Eri Yoshida was drafted as the first woman ever to play in Japanese professional baseball for the Kobe 9 Cruise of the
Succeeding Context: . On March 2, 2010, she trained with Tim Wakefield at the Boston Red Sox minor league training facility. and on April 8, 2010, she signed with the , debuting on May 29, 2010. Former Detroit Tigers reliever Eddie Bonine also throws a knuckleball, though he does so infrequently as compared to pitchers who use it as a primary pitch. Lance Niekro, son of Joe Niekro, attempted to convert from a position player to a knuckleball pitcher. He started the 2009 season with the Gulf Coast League Braves but is currently retired and coaching in college baseball at Florida Southern.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Knuckleball

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