Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: War of the Quadruple Alliance
Target Entity: War_of_the_Quadruple_Alliance
Preceding Context: Attempting to reverse the losses of the previous war, in the
Succeeding Context: (1718–20) the navy successfully convoyed armies to invade Sicily and Sardinia, but the escort fleet was destroyed by the British in the Battle of Cape Passaro and the Spanish invasion army was defeated in Italy by the Austrians. This caused the Spanish to switch to a more careful foreign policy to avoid facing united fronts of multiple enemies and the realisation that the navy was central to its success. A major program to renovate and reorganise the navy was begun. A Secretaría (ministry) of the army and navy had been established by the Bourbon regime as early as 1714; which centralized the command and administration of the different fleets. Following the war of Quadruple Alliance, a program of rigorous standardization was introduced in ships, operations, and administration. Given the needs of its empire, Spanish warship designs tended to be more orientated towards long-range escort and patrol duties than for battle. A major reform of the Spanish navy was initiated, updating its ships and administration, which was helped by French and Italian experts, although Spaniards also rose to prominence in this work. A major naval yard was established at Havana, enabling the navy to maintain a permanent force in the Americas for the defence of the colonies and the suppression of piracy and smuggling.
Paragraph Title: The Bourbon Era
Source Page: Spanish Navy

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