Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: 1993 parliamentary election
Target Entity: Norwegian_parliamentary_election\u002c_1993
Preceding Context: The
Succeeding Context: halved the party's support to 6.3% and ten members of parliament. This drop in support can be seen as the result of an internal conflict within the party that came to a head in 1992, between the more extreme libertarian minority and the majority led by Carl I. Hagen. The libertarians had removed the party's focus on immigration, declaring it a "non-issue" in the early 1990s, which was heavily punished by voters in 1993, as well as 1991. Social conservative policy platforms had also been liberalised and caused controversy, such as accepting homosexual partnership. The party's unclear stance on Norwegian membership of the European Union also contributed greatly to the setback, by moving the focus away from the party's stronger issues (see also Norwegian European Union membership referendum, 1994).
Paragraph Title: 1990s: Libertarian schism, consolidation
Source Page: Progress Party (Norway)

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