Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: UNO
Target Entity: Uno_\u0028card_game\u0029
Preceding Context: There are many variations of the basic game, and a number of different names including Crates, UNO, Last One, Mau-Mau, Pesten, Rockaway, Spoons, Swedish Rummy, Switch, Last Card, Screw Your Neighbour, and Tschausepp. In Britain, it is often referred to as Black Jack (not to be confused with the casino card game Blackjack). The name Crazy Eights dates to the 1940s, derived from the military designation for discharge of mentally unstable soldiers, Section 8. Bartok, Mao, Quango, Zar, Taki and
Succeeding Context: are more extreme variations, containing elements not covered in this entry.
Paragraph Title: Origins
Source Page: Crazy Eights

Ground Truth Types:

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