Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Erpfendorf in Tirol
Target Entity: Kirchdorf_in_Tirol
Preceding Context: DJ Ötzi was born Gerhard Friedle in St. Johann in Tirol, where he was raised by foster parents and later by his grandmother in the nearby village of
Succeeding Context:
Paragraph Title: Early life
Source Page: DJ Ötzi

Ground Truth Types:

|  |---yagoGeoEntity
|  |  |---yagoGeoEntity_rest

Predicted Types:

wordnet_artifact_100021939-1.4698888407707784 0
wordnet_event_100029378-1.799383191009078 0
wordnet_organization_108008335-1.8415610973108993 0
wordnet_person_100007846-1.7058315320075461 0
yagoGeoEntity-0.21502364372046595 0
|  |---wordnet_artifact_100021939
|  |---wordnet_event_100029378
|  |---wordnet_organization_108008335
|  |---wordnet_person_100007846
|  |---yagoGeoEntity