Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Social Democrat
Target Entity: Social_democracy
Preceding Context: For most of his life, Renner alternated between the political commitment of a
Succeeding Context: and the analytical distance of an academic scholar. Central to Renner's academic work is the problem of the relationship between law and social transformations. With his Rechtsinstitute des Privatrechts und ihre soziale Funktion. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik des bürgerlichen Rechts (1904), he became one of the founders of the discipline of the sociology of law. His and Otto Bauer's ideas about the legal protection of cultural minorities were taken up by the Jewish , but fiercely denounced by Vladimir Lenin. Joseph Stalin devoted a whole chapter to criticising Cultural National Autonomy in Marxism and the National Question.
Paragraph Title: Political beliefs
Source Page: Karl Renner

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