Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: von Rohr's method
Target Entity: Moritz_von_Rohr
Preceding Context: Depth of field increases with f-number, as illustrated in the image here. This means that photographs taken with a low f-number will tend to have subjects at one distance in focus, with the rest of the image (nearer and farther elements) out of focus. This is frequently useful for nature photography, portraiture, and certain special effects. The depth of field of an image produced at a given f-number is dependent on other parameters as well, including the focal length, the subject distance, and the format of the film or sensor used to capture the image. Depth of field can be described as depending on just angle of view, subject distance, and entrance pupil diameter (as in
Succeeding Context: ). As a result, smaller formats will have a deeper field than larger formats at the same f-number for the same distance of focus and same angle of view since entrance-pupil diameter goes by the format size at a given f-number. Therefore, reduced–depth-of-field effects, like those shown below, will require smaller f-numbers (and thus larger apertures and so potentially more complex optics) when using small-format cameras than when using larger-format cameras.
Paragraph Title: Effects on image quality
Source Page: F-number

Ground Truth Types:

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