Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Gulf of Tonkin
Target Entity: Gulf_of_Tonkin
Preceding Context: Hainan, separated by the Qiongzhou Strait (瓊州海峽) from the Leizhou Peninsula (雷州半島) of Guangdong, is the largest island administered by the People's Republic of China. The size of Hainan Island (, 97% of the province) is comparable to the size of Belgium. The PRC, however, regard it as the second largest island, since it considers Taiwan Island as an integral part of its territory. To the west of Hainan Island is the
Succeeding Context: . Wuzhi Mountain (1,840 m) is the highest mountain on the island.
Paragraph Title: Hainan Island
Source Page: Hainan

Ground Truth Types:

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