Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Phoenicia
Target Entity: Phoenicia
Preceding Context: Inspired by
Succeeding Context: n accounts dating 600BCE of rich new lands beyond the Western ocean in the books, Lorenzo de Medici sent a bookdealer named Cristobal Colon in 1484 to buy these 1,000 volumes, but Colon never turned the books over to the Medici family. When Scrooge and the nephews find out that the English name of this bookdealer-turned sailor happens to be Christopher Columbus ("The plot thickens!" - "Like cement!") and that Columbus's private library is in Seville, Spain, Scrooge is pacing out the door, "already halfway across France".
Paragraph Title: From Duckburg to Seville and back
Source Page: Guardians of the Lost Library

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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