Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Francisco Pizarro
Target Entity: Francisco_Pizarro
Preceding Context: Scrooge and the nephews hurry back to Duckburg (where they encounter Donald still in front of the TV, making condescending remarks about their passion for "some dusty old library books") to search Scrooge's above-mentioned Spanish logs to find out whether the library had ever been removed from the island. Apparently,
Succeeding Context: had it moved to his new capital, modern-day Lima, Peru in 1535, where beginning in 1551, the Spanish added "all the knowledge of the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, and Olmecs". When the Spanish tried to send the library home to Spain in 1579, the ships were captured by Sir Francis Drake. As the battle had damaged his own ship, Drake was forced to go ashore on the coast of Nova Albion, founding Fort Drake Borough which later became Duckburg, for the sole purpose of burying the library below the fort, on Kill Mole Hill where Scrooge built his Money Bin in 1902. (See Fort Duckburg).
Paragraph Title: Back in Duckburg
Source Page: Guardians of the Lost Library

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