Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: The Invader of Fort Duckburg
Target Entity: The_Invader_of_Fort_Duckburg
Preceding Context: Guardians of the Lost Library was later referenced in Part 10:
Succeeding Context: (1994), of Don Rosa's The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck where in 1902 the first three Junior Woodchucks (seen as ripe old men half a century later at the beginning of Guardians of the Lost Library) are expelled from their former headquarter, the ruins of Fort Drakeborough recently bought by Scrooge. As the boyscouts walk down Kill Mole Hill, along with some JWC pennants they carry a large, old volume with the Iris Emblem of the Guardians of the Lost Library with them. In order to reclaim the Fort, they appeal to "higher authority" by wire, which turns out as an all-ears U. S. President Theodore Roosevelt (Attorney General William Henry Moody: "They say a billionaire from Scotland has seized a military installation on the coast!" - Roosevelt: "Great jumping Jehoshaphat! The three dangers that I campaign strongest against - big business, foreign interference, and military threats to our shores - all rolled into one! Egad!"), who decides to mobilize the entire US Army and Navy against Fort Drakeborough. After an enduring battle fought pretty much against Scrooge alone, eventually the President's troops fold against the infamous temper of Scrooge's sister Hortense.
Paragraph Title: Other stories by Don Rosa
Source Page: Guardians of the Lost Library

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