Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: K1801VM1
Target Entity: 1801_series_CPU
Preceding Context: The machine was based on a powerful (for the time) 16-bit single-chip
Succeeding Context: CPU, clocked generally at 3 MHz. It was almost perfectly compatible with Digital Equipment Corporation's LSI-11 line, though it lacked the EIS and further command set extensions. The manufacturer also closely copied the PDP-11's internal architecture. Each model had one free card slot, which was electrically, but not mechanically compatible with the Q-Bus. The first versions had 32 KB onboard DRAM, half of which was used as video memory. That was extended to 128 KB in later models, with video memory extended to two 16 KB pages.
Paragraph Title: Hardware
Source Page: Elektronika BK

Ground Truth Types:

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