Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: 1960-1961 Winter General Strike
Target Entity: 1960\u002d1961_Winter_General_Strike
Preceding Context: 1st Brigade (Belgium) - 1st Field Artillery Regiment (Belgium) - 1st Squadron (Belgium) - 1st Wing (Belgium) - 1st/3rd Lancers Regiment - 2nd Field Artillery Regiment/Field Artillery Battery ParaCommando - 2nd Group CIS - 2nd Tactical Wing - 2nd/4th Lancers Regiment - 4th Engineer Battalion (Belgium) - 4th Group CIS - 4th Logistics Battalion (Belgium) - 5th Group CIS - 6th Group CIS - 7th Brigade (Belgium) - 8th Logistics Battalion (Belgium) - 10th Group CIS - 10th Tactical Wing - 11th Engineer Battalion (Belgium) - 14th Air Defence Artillery Regiment (Belgium) - 18th Logistics Battalion - 20th Logistics Battalion (Belgium) - 24 Hours of Zolder - 27th SS Volunteer Division Langemarck – 28th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Wallonien – 29th Logistics Battalion (Belgium) - 31st Squadron (Belgium) - 40th Squadron Heli (Belgium) - 51st Logistics Battalion (Belgium) - 62TV Records - 70-point plan (Belgium) – 80th UAV Squadron (Belgium) - 1920 Summer Olympics – 1931 Belgian Grand Prix - 1935 Belgian Grand Prix - 1947 Belgian Grand Prix - 1949 Belgian Grand Prix -
Succeeding Context: – 2007 Belgian government formation – 2007–2011 Belgian political crisis – 2008–2009 Belgian financial crisis – 2010–2011 Belgian government formation - 2010 Belgian love triangle skydiving murder trial - 2011 Liège attack
Paragraph Title: 0–9
Source Page: Index of Belgium-related articles

Ground Truth Types:

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