Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Oxley Highway
Target Entity: Oxley_Highway
Preceding Context: Tamworth is located on the western side of the Great Dividing Range, on the banks of the Peel River, about 420 km north of Sydney on the New England Highway, and 280 km inland from Port Macquarie on the
Succeeding Context: . The town is situated at a narrow point on the Peel River floodplain, nestled at the base of the Wentworth Mounds, a spur of the Moonbi Range, where the Northwest Slopes rise to the Northern Tablelands. The elevation is around 400 m AHD. The Peel River runs southeast to northwest through Tamworth. The main town centre is on the northeast bank, between the river and the Wentworth Mounds which rise to heights of 800 m, towering over the city. The southwest bank is much flatter, and the city's suburbs sprawl to the south. Water for residents and the city's industry is supplied by Chaffey Dam, 44 km south east of the city.
Paragraph Title: Geography
Source Page: Tamworth, New South Wales

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