Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Kirkegata
Target Entity: Kirkegata_\u0028Levanger\u0029
Preceding Context: Over thirty years later, in 1997, as a result of the resurrection of the "Marsimartnan" in 1989, the town of Levanger was re-established, though the town still is part of Levanger municipality. But the center of administration is to be found in the town of Levanger, which is also, in historical terms, the administrative basis for the municipality. And Levangers town traditions and culture go way back. The town is laid out according to an urban and regulated plot with proper streets such as
Succeeding Context: . It's more than just a townhall and a city square. In fact, Levanger's always been a town, though not always officially, and every inhabitant in the town area carry this piece of knowledge with pride. Thus there does exist a sense of distinction between town people, and the people from the country side.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Levanger

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