Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Andy Tyrie
Target Entity: Andy_Tyrie
Preceding Context: The Ulster Defence Association emerged from a series of meetings during the summer of 1971 of loyalist "vigilante" groups called "defence associations" formed to protect Protestant areas from attacks by Irish republicans. The largest of these were the Shankill and Woodvale Defence Associations, with other groups based in East Belfast, the Hammer and Roden Street The first meeting was chaired by Billy Hull, with Alan Moon as its vice-chair, but Moon was quickly replaced by Jim Anderson and left the organisation by its formal launch in September. By this point, Charles Harding Smith had become the group's leader, with former soldier Davy Fogel as his second-in-command who had trained the new recruits in military tactics, the use of guns, and unarmed combat. Its most prominent early spokesperson was Tommy Herron, however
Succeeding Context: would emerge as leader soon after. Its original motto was Cedenta Arma Togae ("Law before violence") and it was a legal organisation until it was banned by the British Government on 10 August 1992.
Paragraph Title: Beginning
Source Page: Ulster Defence Association

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