Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Monterey submarine canyon
Target Entity: Monterey_Canyon
Preceding Context: The exact nature in which the river's present course and the Grand Canyon were formed is uncertain. Before the Gulf of California was formed approximately 5–12 million years ago by faulting processes along the boundary of the North American and Pacific Plates, the Colorado flowed west to an outlet on the Pacific Ocean – possibly Monterey Bay on the Central California coast, forming the
Succeeding Context: . The uplift of the Sierra Nevada mountains began about 4.5 million years ago, diverting the Colorado southwards towards the Gulf. As the Colorado Plateau rose between 2.5–5 million years ago, the river maintained its ancestral course (as an antecedent stream) and began to cut the Grand Canyon. Antecedence played a major part in shaping other peculiar geographic features in the watershed, including the Dolores River's bisection of Paradox Valley in Colorado and the Green River carving its way through the Uinta Mountains in Utah.
Paragraph Title: Geology
Source Page: Colorado River

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