Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Loyalists
Target Entity: Loyalist_\u0028American_Revolution\u0029
Preceding Context: In the aftermath of the American Revolutionary came an exodus of 50,000
Succeeding Context: into the Canadas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, joined by many of the Six Nations Iroquois who had remained loyal to Great Britain. Since many of the new Canadians were also veterans of Loyalist regiments, they brought both the British sympathies and the military training to establish competent professional forces to oppose the perceived American threat. Called "fencibles", the new units were organized within the British army, but charged wholly with the defence of their home colonies. Their professional presence also enhanced training for the citizen militia and established many traditions that continue to modern times.
Paragraph Title: The American Revolution
Source Page: Colonial militia in Canada

Ground Truth Types:

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