Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Chiricahua Mountains
Target Entity: Chiricahua_Mountains
Preceding Context: As recently as the Cretaceous period one hundred million years ago, much of western North America was still part of the Pacific Ocean. Tectonic forces from the collision of the Farallon Plate with the North American Plate pushed up the Rocky Mountains between 50–75 million years ago in a mountain-building episode known as the Laramide orogeny. The Colorado first formed as a west-flowing stream draining the southwestern portion of the range, and the uplift also diverted the Green River from its original course to the Mississippi River west towards the Colorado. Approximately 20–30 million years ago, volcanic activity related to the orogeny led to the Mid-Tertiary ignimbrite flare-up which created smaller formations such as the
Succeeding Context: in Arizona, and deposited massive amounts of volcanic ash and debris over the watershed. The Colorado Plateau first began to rise during the Eocene, but did not attain its present height until about five million years ago, about when the Colorado River established its present course into the Gulf of California.
Paragraph Title: Geology
Source Page: Colorado River

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