Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Narakasura
Target Entity: Narakasura
Preceding Context: Divali begins in Konkan and Goa on the day of Naraka Chaturdashi. The houses are cleaned and decorated with Kandil, lamps, mango leaves, and marigold flowers. The utensils are made to shine, filled with water, and decorated for the holy bath the following morning. On this day, paper-made effigies of
Succeeding Context: , filled with grass and firecrackers symbolising evil, are made. These effigies are burnt at around four o'clock in the morning the following day/ Firecrackers are burst, and people return home to take a scented oil bath. Lamps are lit in a lineThe women of the house perform aarti of the men, gifts are exchanged,a bitter berry called kareet is crushed under the feet in token of killing Narkasur, symbolising evil and removal of ignorance. Different varieties of Poha and sweets are made and eaten with family and friends. Festivities continue till Tulsi Vivah and lamps are lit every evening. Celebrations include Lakshmi puja on the Diwali day, Krishna puja or Govardhan puja and cattle worship on Balipratipada day, Bhaubeej, and Tulsi vivah.
Paragraph Title: Goa and Konkan
Source Page: Diwali

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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