Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Speaker
Target Entity: Speaker_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives
Preceding Context: At the start of each Congress the Clerk of the House of the previous session creates a roll of those who have been elected to serve in the House of Representatives of that Congress (current Congress is the 112th) and calls the House to order, conducts opening ceremonies, and determines whether a quorum is present by electronic roll call, and seeks and recognizes nominations for
Succeeding Context: from the Chairmen of the Democratic Caucus and the Republican Conference, and presides over the House until the election of a Speaker has occurred. Upon election of a Speaker, the Clerk then appoints a committee to escort the Speaker to the Chair. The Speaker then directs that a message be sent to the Senate and President informing them that a quorum of the House has been established, that a new Speaker and Clerk have been elected and that members have been given the oath of office and that the House is ready to conduct legislative business and is prepared to receive any communication from the President or Senate.
Paragraph Title: Convening the House
Source Page: Procedures of the United States House of Representatives

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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