Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Inner Mongolia
Target Entity: Inner_Mongolia
Preceding Context: With its Western allies heavily involved in the war in Europe, Japan sought further to consolidate its position in China by presenting the Twenty-One Demands (; ) to China in January 1915. Besides expanding its control over German holdings, Manchuria and
Succeeding Context: , Japan also sought joint ownership of a major mining and metallurgical complex in central China, prohibitions on China's ceding or leasing any coastal areas to a third power, and miscellaneous other political, economic and military controls, which, if achieved, would have reduced China to a Japanese protectorate. In the face of slow negotiations with the Chinese government, widespread anti-Japanese sentiment in China and international condemnation forced Japan to withdraw the final group of demands and treaties were signed in May 1915.
Paragraph Title: World War I and hegemony in China
Source Page: Taishō period

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