Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Sardinia
Target Entity: Sardinia
Preceding Context: Calvino's mother, Eva Mameli, was a botanist and university professor. A native of Sassari in
Succeeding Context: and 11 years younger than her husband, she married while still a junior lecturer at Pavia University. Born into a secular family, Eva was a pacifist educated in the "religion of civic duty and science". Calvino described his parents as being "very different in personality from one another", suggesting perhaps deeper tensions behind a comfortable, albeit strict, middle-class upbringing devoid of conflict. As an adolescent, he found it hard relating to poverty and the working-class, and was "ill at ease" with his parents’ openness to the laborers who filed into his father's study on Saturdays to receive their weekly paycheck.
Paragraph Title: Cuba
Source Page: Italo Calvino

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