Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: League of Nations
Target Entity: League_of_Nations
Preceding Context: In October 1938, at the height of the Battle of the Ebro, the Non-Intervention Committee ordered the withdrawal of the International Brigades which were fighting on the Republican side, while turning a blind eye on the fact that the Fascist Italian and Nazi German expeditionary forces were fighting on the Nationalist side, effectively helping General Franco to win the war. The Republican government of Juan Negrín, announced the decision in the
Succeeding Context: on 21 September 1938. The disbandment was part of an ill-advised effort to get the Nationalists' foreign backers to withdraw their troops and to persuade the western democracies such as France and Britain to end their arms on the Republic.
Paragraph Title: Disbandment
Source Page: International Brigades

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