Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Messiah to the Gentiles
Target Entity: Supersessionism
Preceding Context: According to Skarsaune, the harmonized gospel narratives of Matthew and Luke were part of a tradition already circulating within Justin's school that expounded on the life and work of Jesus as the Messiah and the apostolic mission. Justin then rearranged and expanded these testimonia to create his First Apology. The "kerygma source" of proof-texts (contained within 1 Apol. 31-53) is believed to have had a Two Parousias Christology, characterized by the belief that Jesus first came in humility, in fulfillment of prophecy, and will return in glory as the
Succeeding Context: . There are close literary parallels between the Christology of Justin's source and the Apocalypse of Peter.
Paragraph Title: The "kerygma source"
Source Page: Justin Martyr

Ground Truth Types:

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