Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Barbados
Target Entity: Barbados
Preceding Context: In the wake of the mid 17th century Cromwellian conquest of Ireland, Oliver Cromwell deported many Irish prisoners of war into slavery or indentured labour in Caribbean tobacco plantations. Most of these forced migrants ended up in
Succeeding Context: , Montserrat or Jamaica (Tom McDermot was an Irish campaigner there against colonialism and slavery). This became so prevalent that a term "Barbado'ed" was coined to mean someone deported to Barbados. Another term to reference the Irish was the "redlegs". Most descendants of these Irishmen moved off the islands as African slavery was implemented and blacks began to replace whites. Many Barbadian-born Irishmen helped establish the Carolina colony in the United States.
Paragraph Title: Caribbean
Source Page: Irish diaspora

Ground Truth Types:

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