Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Molotov
Target Entity: Vyacheslav_Molotov
Preceding Context: Voroshilov was appointed People's Commissar for Defence in 1934 and a Marshal of the Soviet Union in 1935. Voroshilov played a central role in Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s, denouncing many of his own military colleagues and subordinates when asked to do so by Stalin. He went so far as to write personal letters to exiled former Soviet officers and diplomats such as Mikhail Ostrovsky to return voluntarily to the Soviet Union, reassuring them that they would not face retribution from authorities (they did). Voroshilov personally signed 185 documented execution lists, fourth among the Soviet leadership after
Succeeding Context: , Stalin and Kaganovich.
Paragraph Title: Political career
Source Page: Kliment Voroshilov

Ground Truth Types:

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