Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Jordan River
Target Entity: Jordan_River
Preceding Context: UNSCOP's conclusion was a unanimous decision to end the British mandate and majority opinion to divide the area west of the
Succeeding Context: between a Jewish state and an Arab state. During the UN's deliberations regarding the committee's recommendations the Irgun avoided initiating any attacks, so as not to influence the UN negatively on the idea of a Jewish state. On November 29 the UN General Assembly voted in favor of ending the mandate and establishing two states on the land. That very same day the Irgun and the Lehi renewed their attacks on British targets. The next day the local Arabs began attacking the Jewish community, thus beginning the first stage of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The first attacks on Jews were in Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem, in and around Jaffa, Bat Yam, Holon, and the Ha'Tikvah neighborhood in Tel Aviv.
Paragraph Title: The 1948 Arab–Israeli War
Source Page: Irgun

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