Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Seljuk
Target Entity: Seljuq_dynasty
Preceding Context: In the Middle Ages, regicide was rare in Western Europe, but it was a recurring theme in the Eastern Roman Empire. Blinding and strangling in the bathtub were the most commonly used procedures. With the Renaissance, tyrannicide—or assassination for personal or political reasons—became more common again in Western Europe. The reigns of King Przemysł II of Poland (1296), William the Silent of the Netherlands (1584), and the French kings Henry III (1589) and Henry IV (1610) lives were all ended by assassins. High medieval sources also mention the assassination of king Demetrius Zvonimir (1089), dying at the hands of his own people who objected to a proposition by the Pope to go on a campaign to aid the Byzantines against the
Succeeding Context: Turks. This is, however, broadly debated among historians since most do not accept this view of his death; it is most commonly asserted that he died of natural causes. The myth of the "Curse of King Zvonimir" is based on the legend of his assassination.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Assassination

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