Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Ulster
Target Entity: Ulster_Rugby
Preceding Context: However, on Tuesday, 7 February 2012, it was confirmed that Cardiff Blues would face Connacht at the Arms Park on Friday, 10 February 2012. The Pro 12 League game result was a win for the Cardiff Blues 22 – 15 and attendance of 8,000. The following Tuesday, it was announced that the match against
Succeeding Context: on Friday, 17 February, would also be at the Arms Park, resulting in a Blues win, 21 – 14 and attendance of 8,600. The agreement signed during 2009 tied Cardiff Blues to a 20-years contract to play a maximum of 18 games per season for a set fee, rather than per match at Cardiff City Stadium. But on 23 February, it was announced that the two Welsh 'derbies' against the Scarlets and the Ospreys would be played at Cardiff City Stadium, rather than the Arms Park, because of Cardiff Blues' anticipation that the attendance figures would far exceed the maximum capacity of 9,000.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Cardiff Arms Park

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