Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Massachusetts Route 128
Target Entity: Massachusetts_Route_128
Preceding Context: The term "minicomputer" evolved in the 1960s to describe the smaller computers that became possible with the use of transistors and core memory technologies, minimal instructions sets and less expensive peripherals such as the ubiquitous Teletype Model 33 ASR. They usually took up one or a few 19-inch rack cabinets, compared with the large mainframes that could fill a room. The first successful minicomputer was Digital Equipment Corporation's 12-bit PDP-8, which was built using discrete transistors and cost from upwards when launched in 1964. Later versions of the PDP-8 took advantage of small-scale integrated circuits. The important precursors of the PDP-8 include the PDP-5, LINC, the TX-0, the TX-2, and the PDP-1. Digital Equipment gave rise to a number of minicomputer companies along
Succeeding Context: , including Data General, Wang Laboratories, Apollo Computer, and Prime Computer.
Paragraph Title: 1960s: Origin; 1970s: Market entrenchment
Source Page: Minicomputer

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