Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Götaland
Target Entity: G\u00f6taland
Preceding Context: However, that the name "Greuthungi" has pre-Pontic, possibly Scandinavian, origins still has support today. It may mean "rock people", (from the Old Norse grjut huningi) to distinguish the Ostrogoths from the Geats (referred as Goths in Scandinavia) from
Succeeding Context: (Gothland) in southern Sweden. The Roman historian Jordanes refers to an Evagreotingi (Greuthung island) in Scandza, as part of his description of Gothiscandza. It has also been suggested that Greuthungi may be related to certain place names in Poland, but this has met with little support.
Paragraph Title: Etymology
Source Page: Ostrogoths

Ground Truth Types:

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