Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Finnmark
Target Entity: Finnmark
Preceding Context: The strongest pressure took place from around 1900 to 1940, when Norway invested considerable money and effort to wipe out Sami culture. Notably, anyone who wanted to buy or lease state lands for agriculture in
Succeeding Context: had to prove knowledge of the Norwegian language and had to register with a Norwegian name. This and similar actions in Scandinavian countries, e.g., the sterilization of Sami women by Swedish authorities, are debated to be an act of ethnic cleansing, and perhaps a genocide. This also ultimately caused the dislocation of Sami people in the 1920s, which increased the gap between local Sami groups (something still present today) and sometimes bears the character of an internal Sami ethnic conflict. In 1913, the Norwegian parliament passed a bill on "native act land" to allocate the best and most useful lands to the Norwegian settlers. Another factor was the scorched earth policy conducted by the German army, resulting in heavy war destruction in northern Finland and northern Norway in 1944–45, destroying all existing houses, or kota, and visible traces of Sami culture. After World War II, the pressure was relaxed somewhat, though the legacy was evident into recent times, such as the 1970s law limiting the size of any house that Sami people were allowed to build.
Paragraph Title: Post-1800s
Source Page: Sami people

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