Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Africa
Target Entity: Africa
Preceding Context: The Strait of Gibraltar (Arabic: مضيق جبل طارق, ) is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates Spain in Europe from Morocco in
Succeeding Context: . The name comes from Gibraltar, which in turn originates from the Arabic Jebel Tariq (meaning "Tariq's mountain") named after Tariq ibn Ziyad. The Arab name for the Strait is Bab el-Zakat, meaning "Gate of Charity." It is also known as the Straits of Gibraltar, or STROG (Strait Of Gibraltar), in naval use and as the "Pillars of Hercules" (: Ηράκλειες Στήλες) in the ancient world.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Strait of Gibraltar

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