Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Maccabees
Target Entity: Maccabees
Preceding Context: As an authority for times antecedent to his own, Severus is of little moment. At only a few points does he enable us to correct or supplement other records. Jakob Bernays suggested that he based his narrative of the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus on the account given by Tacitus in his Histories, a portion of which has been lost. We are enabled thus to contrast Tacitus with Josephus, who warped his narrative to do honour to Titus. In his allusions to the Gentile rulers with whom the Jews came into contact from the time of the
Succeeding Context: onwards, Severus discloses some points which are not without importance.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Sulpicius Severus

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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