Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Palestine
Target Entity: Palestine
Preceding Context: As compared with Samuel and Kings, the Book of Chronicles omits many particulars there recorded and includes many things not found in the other two documents. Often the Chronicles paint a somewhat more positive picture of the same events. This corresponds to their time of composition: Samuel and Kings were probably completed during the exile, at a time when the history of the newly wiped out Hebrew kingdoms was still fresh in the minds of the writers. The Chronicles, on the other hand, were written much later, after the restoration of the Jewish community in
Succeeding Context: , at a time when the kingdoms were beginning to be regarded as the nostalgic past, something to be at least partially imitated, not something to be avoided. Scholars continue to debate over which history is more reliable: Chronicles or Samuel-Kings.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Books of Chronicles

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